
Job Ad

Disney needs Klingon translator

Job description: The job consists basically on translating Walt Disney Studios’ masterpieces into Klingon, possibly including dubbing activities.

Job Requirements: Applicants should be fluent in English as well as Klingon. It is also essential that the applicant is familiar with Disney’s work including its movies, series, and books. Knowledge of other languages such as Parseltongue, Quenya, Sindarin, and Na’vi is also desirable. Familiarity with Star Trek’s universe is also mandatory. People skills aren’t necessary, but the applicant must be familiar with the Vulcan salut.

Job specifications: Place of work is the Walt Disney Studios, in LA. The salary is US$ 500,00/week plus meals. Work hours are on weekdays, from 8am to 6pm. Chosen applicants start ASAP.

If interested contact: DisneyinKlingon@disneysutidios.com, with complete CV.

Live long and prosper.

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